What is id-Mask?
What is it, what can I use it for?
idMask is an app that enables the creation of zero-knowledge proofs, empowering individuals to verify statements about their identity to third parties without disclosing any personal information.
Produced proofs can be utilized by other parties that find it useful, for example other apps, governments, DEX'es and what not. For more check How to consume proofs?
Currently only people from the Baltic states can produce proofs. Personal identification data is streamlined using Smart-ID app.
📢 We're on the lookout for apps in other parts of the world that can help us provide the same functionality. If you know apps other than Smart-ID that can help properly streamline personal identification data from citizens in other countries, please reach out.
How can I use it and what proofs can I produce?
Visit the app and follow to instructions to create proofs. The following proofs are available:
🏛️ Proof of non-sanctions
👴 Proof of adulthood
🧠 Proof of unique human
Last updated